
bite me!
Fuerteventura - Russian Red


【独立民谣】Russian Red - Fuerteventura


       这首歌让你的心自然而然地被Russian Red吸引,随著她沐浴在阳光、海洋里,在西班牙小岛上想像自己过著另一种完全不同的生活,将所有的热情倾注于幻想和歌声里,时而轻快、时而高亢、时而低吟……

       Russian Red,来自西班牙马德里的独立民谣歌手,外表有些复古优雅,内心充满古灵精怪想法。听她唱歌,就能感受到她全心全意所倾注的任性、勇敢、温暖、迷惘、梦幻和危险……彷佛看见她正踮起脚尖,咨意行走在自己所创造的神秘电影氛围里。

You're always such a fool
and in your eyes so blue
I see the life I never had before.

Do yo remember when
we used to live things separate
we hadn't met or thought
that could be possible.

I'm glad you had your life
so good to listen to your past
all of those things brought you
with me and now we're two.

You're always such a fool
and in your eyes so blue
I see the life I never had before.
You always talk so smooth
and in your voice, so true
I hear the dream
I never had before

But if I try to think
of something better than this
heaven comes down
and reminds the luck we live.

You're always such a fool
and in your eyes so blue
I see the life I never had before.
You always talk so smooth
and in your voice, so true
I hear the dream
I never had before


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